Tuesday 19 January 2016


Hey guys. Its the new year and i thought i better make a post about the Bloody first.
So far news has been quiet. No new photos have been released.
Take a look at the originals in this guys article. 

With such little news, pesimists have said it may not eventuate. I was scared that the announcement and progress with The Tactical Art of Combat may be some sort of death blow for matrix.
I certainly hope not.

My Original post about The bloody first has generated over a thousand views. It even generated comment! A COMMENT! So it shows the interest is there.

1st Division Operation torch

To asses the situation i decided to pay the Matrix forums a visit.
Forums here
And I'm delighted to see that posts are still being made by management in 2016.

A question about operation torch. 2016
The current campaign design for the Tunisia campaign includes operations in the Medjez-el-bab, Sbiba, Kasserine, El Guettar, and Mateur areas. The 2-3 days of fighting against the Vichy French in Algeria will not be included -- off the top of my head I think St. Cloud was the only significant battle there. 

Its encouraging for the people out there who may think the game is dead.
Its safe to say the game has been in production way longer than anyone imagined.
As some people have complained, there has been no mod,no beta, no photos.

Is the game in development hell? Or are they just keeping there lips tight and waiting to release all the information all at once when we least expect it?

What will come out first, Bloody first or the Art of combat?
Only time will tell.

Im thirsty for the first.... :) Sorry that was bad.

So get in there.
Here is the forum. http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tt.asp?forumid=1254
Read, get excited, ask hard questions. Be nice, or bag on them and be mean. Play multiplayer, stay active. Have fun!

Viva Close Combat~!

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